Measuring Measuring Air Velocity – Basics
The sensor consists of two resistive mesh deposited on a thin glass substrate using cutting-edge thin-film technology. One of the two resistors operates as a temperature sensor and measures the temperature of the flowing medium. Using electrical current, the other resistive
Filtrar por H2O2Aplicaciones de esterilización
H2O2Aplicación de esterilización Peróxido de hidrógeno (H2O2) se utiliza cada vez más como medio de biodescontaminación y esterilización en la industria farmacéutica y en el campo médico. H2O2el vapor es capaz de esterilizar instrumentos, así como salas enteras (salas limpias, aisladores
Humidity measurement in meteorology
Air humidity and temperature play an important role in mete- orology. Highly accurate measurements of these climate pa- rameters form the basis of accurate forecasts and meaningful records. To ensure precise measurements, the probe is always installed in a ra- diation
E+e mass flow meters for compressed air monitoring.
Measurement of compressed air consumption is the most important step towards a cost-conscious handling of expensive compressed air. Thermal flow meters from E+E Elektronik measure the mass flow of compressed air and industrial gases, independently of pressure and temperature. Various
The calibration laboratory of E+E Elektronik GmbH is accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, with identification number 0608, by Akkreditierung Austria / Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy. E+E Elektronik is a designated lab, responsible for the maintenance
Measuring Humidity – Basics
Air is a mixture of different gases. Under normal environmental conditions the gases have an ideal behaviour, i.e. each gas molecule can act independently from all others. Dalton’s law is valid : The partial pressure p is defined as the pressure
Dew Point
The calibration laboratory of E+E Elektronik GmbH is accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, with identification number 0608, by Akkreditierung Austria / Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy. E+E Elektronik is a designated lab, responsible for the maintenance
Theory CO2 – Measur – Measurement
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gaseous component of the earth's atmosphere. The concentration of CO2 in natural ambient air is about 0.04% or 400ppm. With each breath, humans convert oxygen (O2) into carbon dioxide. Although carbon dioxide is invisible and odorless,
Cleaning instructions
For the good long term performance of humidity measuring devices it is of highest importance that the sensing head is kept clean. In most of the applications the choice of appropriate filter cap is enough for achieving this. In polluted applications