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The sensor consists of two resistive mesh deposited on a thin glass substrate using cutting-edge thin-film technology. One of the two resistors operates as a temperature sensor and measures the temperature of the flowing medium. Using electrical current, the other resistive mesh is heated and kept at a constant

H2O2Aplicación de esterilización Peróxido de hidrógeno (H2O2) se utiliza cada vez más como medio de biodescontaminación y esterilización en la industria farmacéutica y en el campo médico. H2O2el vapor es capaz de esterilizar instrumentos, así como salas enteras (salas limpias, aisladores y cámaras de paso de materiales).

Air humidity and temperature play an important role in mete- orology. Highly accurate measurements of these climate pa- rameters form the basis of accurate forecasts and meaningful records. To ensure precise measurements, the probe is always installed in a ra- diation shield. Condensation on the probe in early morning

The calibration laboratory of E+E Elektronik GmbH is accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, with identification number 0608, by Akkreditierung Austria / Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy. E+E Elektronik is a designated lab, responsible for the maintenance of the “National Standard for Air Humidity” in